BrightFyre: helped out with programming trouble.
Crybit – Programming, helped finish the Story Mode Menu (fixed difficuly selector thing), programmed Sound Test Menu, polished some main menu stuff (cool moving spikies), figure out how to make notes change mid song (endless), programmed cool starting screens, mid song zoom effects (endless), coded cool majin game over stuff, made sound test unlockable, unlock screen, helped add mp4 support, added cool option to help people with poopy pcs not have crashing games cause jumpscare animation, and made note spin thingy in endless.Zekuta – Drew/animated the majority of the ‘Majin Sonic’ poses and animated the secret song background.Comgaming_Nz – Did the main stage backgrounds, drew assets for trailer n cutscenes, set the style for ‘Majin Sonic’ sprites (drew idle pose for ‘Majin Sonic’).MarStarBro– Main Composer, Composed ‘Too Slow’ and ‘Endless’, Charted ‘too-slow’, made some sounds effects (jumpscare sound, intro cutscene glitched music/sound, and static note glitched coin sound).
Razencro – Main Programming, animated ‘Sonic.exe’ sprites, drew/animated ‘Sonic.exe’ jumpscare in ‘too-slow’, animated/edited, drew a small amount of assets in cutscenes, made story mode menu music, put together menu assets, drew/animated ‘Majin Sonic’ up pose, charted ‘endless’, made some sfxs (some menu sfxs, static sfx, static note mechanic sound and game over sounds, some laugh sounds), modified some backgrounds, made story mode/main menu music, drew that simple jumpscare image in ‘too-slow’, lua modcharted too-slow, animated majin bf boyfriend stuff (also sfxs for dat game over shiz), and video editor. Rightburst – Directed the mod, made ‘Sonic.exe’ sprites, put the team together, modified some backgrounds, made that one creepy sonic face (used as one of the face assets for the jumpscare), made the ‘Majin BF face’, assets for too-slow ending cutscene, drew assets for end cutscene, and made da logos. If you had fun and would like to keep up-to-update on the mod, make sure to support mod creators on their social media by subscribing, following, liking, etc. Sonic.EXE is an eldritch entity taking on the form of Sonic the Hedgehog that sends out a haunted game disc featuring the creature killing the main Sonic characters, eventually leading him to rip out the soul of his victim and making them his slave. Sonic.exe (also known as “X” or “exe” for short) is the titular main antagonist of the Sonic.EXE series. Endless (12,25) sound test unlock numbers. Execute (7,7) sound test unlock numbers. Unlocked after beating Story Mode on Hard to display sound test option and figure out the two numbers. A mod of Friday Night Funkin where Boyfriend rap-battle against Sonic.exe, Majin Sonic, Lord X, and Sunky Sonic.